working mom fun quotes

Funny Working Mom Quotes to Make Busy Moms Laugh

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Do you know what I learned from my Mom? A good laugh can make even the toughest situation feel lighter!

I improved this, as laughing at my failed attempts to become the “best mother” ever, and sharing it with my fellow mom friends will add some fun to all of our lives… 😊

Now I collected 60 funny working mom quotes, that can be enjoyed by all moms around the globe!

1. Morning Madness

  1. “Mornings are like a race with no finish line, except everyone’s a winner if we leave the house fully dressed. – Tina Fey
  2. “Being a working mom means waking up on Monday and realizing you didn’t really sleep since Friday night. – Amy Poehler
  3. “If you think sleep is overrated, try being a working mom. It’s a natural law that the less you sleep, the more everyone else expects from you. – Phyllis Diller
  4. “The quickest way to get your kids out of bed in the morning is to tell them you’re leaving without them. – Milton Berle
  5. “Mornings are the ultimate test of time management. Whoever said ‘rise and shine’ clearly didn’t have kids. – Julianne Moore
  6. “The fastest way to turn chaos into calm? A cup of coffee. Just kidding, there’s no fastest way. – Sophia Loren
  7. Morning routine: coffee, kid wrangling, pretending to be a morning person. – Kerri Walsh Jennings
  8. “I’ve yet to meet a working mom who doesn’t feel like she’s been hit by a train by 9 AM. – Sharon Meers
  9. “Mornings: when everything that can go wrong does, and everyone is late anyway. – Joanna Strober
  10. “The best part of waking up is remembering that it’s almost time for bed again. – Tina Fey

2. Work-Life Balance (Or Lack Thereof)

  1. “Work-life balance is a myth. It’s more of a balancing act where you’re juggling flaming torches with one hand tied behind your back. – Shonda Rhimes
  2. “Being a working mom is like having two full-time jobs, but only getting paid for one. – Gloria Steinem
  3. “Work-life balance: because apparently, ‘doing it all’ wasn’t challenging enough. – Katie Couric
  4. “Trying to find work-life balance is like searching for a unicorn riding a rainbow. You might see it for a moment, but it’s gone before you can snap a pic. – Jill Churchill
  5. “The term ‘working mom’ is redundant. It’s not a job, it’s 10 jobs rolled into one. – Arianna Huffington
  6. “I’ve come to realize that work-life balance is a cycle of perfectionism mixed with pure chaos. – Joanna Strober
  7. “Work-life blend is the new balance, where everything blends into one giant to-do list. – Amy Poehler
  8. Balancing motherhood and a career is like playing a never-ending game of Jenga. One wrong move and everything comes crashing down. – Jami Gertz
  9. “The whole idea of work-life balance makes me laugh. As if there’s any balance in trying to keep everyone alive and happy while keeping your job! – Lisa Alther
  10. “If you’re a working mom who’s mastered work-life balance, you’re either a myth or a magician. – Katie Couric

3. Mommy Guilt

  1. “Mom guilt is that extra weight we carry in our bags, along with snacks, toys, and everything else that doesn’t belong to us. – Julianne Moore
  2. “The toughest job as a mom? Managing guilt. It’s there when you’re working, when you’re home, when you’re asleep, and even when you’re doing a great job. – Tina Fey
  3. “Mommy guilt: the side effect of loving your kids so much that you feel bad for everything, including taking a shower. – Barbara Kingsolver
  4. “Why do we feel guilty for not being perfect? Because social media is like a guilt magnifying glass. – Lisa Alther
  5. “You know you’re a working mom when you feel guilty for working and guilty for taking a break from work. – Jill Churchill
  6. “Mom guilt is the fastest way to question everything you do. And it’s always waiting for you at the end of the day. – Sharon Meers
  7. “The best gift you can give yourself as a mom? The permission to stop feeling guilty. – Kerri Walsh Jennings
  8. “Mom guilt is the feeling that you’re always doing everything wrong, even when you’re doing everything right. – Joanna Strober
  9. “If I had a dollar for every time I felt guilty about something as a mom, I could quit my job and stay home to feel guilty full-time. – Katie Couric
  10. “Mommy guilt is proof that you care too much. Which is actually a wonderful thing, but try telling that to yourself at 3 AM. – Jami Gertz

4. Multitasking Mastery

  1. “Multitasking as a mom means answering emails with one hand and making a PB&J with the other. – Amy Poehler
  2. “Multitasking isn’t just a skill, it’s a survival strategy when you’re a working mom. – Arianna Huffington
  3. “Working moms are the highest functioning messes you’ll ever meet. We do it all, and somehow survive to tell the tale. – Katie Couric
  4. “If being a mom was a paid job, multitasking would be listed under ‘other duties as assigned.’ – Lisa Alther
  5. “Moms are the only people who can cook dinner, help with homework, and listen to a conference call—all at the same time. – Sophia Loren
  6. “Multitasking: because there’s always more to do, and only 24 hours to do it. – Joanna Strober
  7. “A working mom’s multitasking is like performing the jobs of several air-traffic controllers while also being the plane. – Shonda Rhimes
  8. “Who needs big chunks of time when you can get 15 things done in 15 minutes? – Gloria Steinem
  9. “Multitasking is proof that moms have superpowers. We just choose not to wear capes. – Jill Churchill
  10. “The toughest job in the world? Multitasking as a mom. It’s like juggling knives while riding a unicycle. – Julianne Moore

5. Self-Care Struggles

  1. “Self-care for a working mom is hiding in the bathroom and pretending you don’t hear ‘Mom’ for five minutes. – Phyllis Diller
  2. “The idea of ‘me time’ is laughable when you’re a working mom. The only time you get to yourself is during work. – Barbara Kingsolver
  3. “For moms, self-care is something that happens when the whole family sings the ‘clean-up’ song together—rare and fleeting. – Lisa Alther
  4. “When you’re a working mom, self-care often feels like a luxurious fantasy. Like a spa day that never happens. – Arianna Huffington
  5. “Self-care? I thought that was a myth, like unicorns and well-rested moms. – Tina Fey
  6. “The hardest part about being a mom? Finding time for self-care between meetings, homework, and spilled milk. – Amy Poehler
  7. “Self-care for a mom: the quickest way to feel guilty for taking care of yourself. – Joanna Strober
  8. “Motherhood is the toughest job, and sometimes self-care is just a good laugh with a friend about the craziness of it all. – Julianne Moore
  9. “For moms, ‘me time’ often means staying up later than everyone else just to enjoy some silence. – Jill Churchill
  10. “Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s survival. But good luck finding the time for it. – Shonda Rhimes

6. Realities of Motherhood

  1. “There’s no such thing as a perfect mother. We’re all just doing our best with what we’ve got, and that’s enough. – Michelle Obama
  2. “Being a mother is a full-time job. Anyone who says otherwise has never tried it with sleep deprivation. – Kate Winslet
  3. “The natural laws of motherhood state that the moment you sit down to relax, someone will need you. – Allison Pearson
  4. “Motherhood is a constant struggle between being a successful woman and a good mother, but somehow, we manage to do both. – Oprah Winfrey
  5. “Raising kids is like trying to build a plane while flying it. Every day is a new challenge, but the flight is worth it. – Steve Jobs
  6. “Mothers are the strongest women I know, and the only ones who can manage flight delays, tiny humans, and a career with a smile. – Kate Winslet
  7. “Motherhood is the toughest job in the world. It’s also the one that comes with the highest salaried benefits—pure love. – Oprah Winfrey
  8. “Being a working mom is like being on a never-ending flight with constant turbulence, but the destination is always worth it. – Allison Pearson
  9. “There’s no manual for motherhood, but somehow, we all end up writing our own best funny mom quotes along the way. – Michelle Obama
  10. “Motherhood is a glorious life force that keeps the world spinning, even when it feels like it’s spinning out of control. – Oprah Winfrey


Motherhood is an incredible journey filled with moments of pure joy, love, and fulfillment. But let’s be honest – it’s also packed with chaos, challenges, and a whole lot of messiness. Whether you’re a working mom juggling a career and kids, a stay-at-home mom managing the household, or a bit of both, the one thing that unites us all is the need for a good laugh. That’s where funny mom quotes come in – they’re like little nuggets of wisdom wrapped in humor, offering us a moment to breathe, smile, and realize that we’re all in this together.

One of the biggest takeaways from these funny working mom quotes is that perfection is a myth. Society often pushes the image of the “perfect mother,” but let’s face it: there’s no such thing. Whether you’re trying to balance work and family or just get through the morning without spilling coffee on your shirt, it’s important to remember that doing your best is more than enough. As Michelle Obama wisely reminds us, we’re all just doing our best with what we’ve got, and that’s enough. Embracing the imperfections of motherhood can actually be liberating – it allows us to let go of guilt and appreciate the small victories.

So, what’s another big takeaway from all these funny working mom quotes? It’s that we need to embrace the chaos with laughter. Humor is our secret weapon against the stress, guilt, and exhaustion that come with motherhood. It helps us see the beauty in the madness and reminds us that we’re not alone. No matter how messy, hectic, or challenging life gets, we’re all doing our best – and that’s something to be proud of. So, laugh at the spilled milk, the endless to-do lists, and the imperfect moments. Because at the end of the day, that’s what makes motherhood the incredible, wild ride that it is.

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