After School Routines

After School Routines

How to set up the best routine for the little time we have on weekdays after school?  Well, this is something I assume most families with younger kids are facing quite often… What are the best after-school activities? What after-school routine should you follow to be able to fulfill all required tasks while also finding…

Board Games For Family Bonding

Board Games For Family Bonding

Playing board games with family can be a great way to spend quality time together. But it doesn’t have to be just one-on-one time. You can play together and have fun while being part of a team. Learn how playing board games can help your family grow closer together, whether you are a Mom or Dad trying to connect with your children or just need some bonding time with your loved ones.

Halloween Party on a Budget

Halloween Party on a Budget

Halloween is a great holiday to celebrate with your kids, and it’s amazing how much fun you can have without breaking the bank. Halloween, Día de los Muertos and All Saints Day are celebrated in different ways in countries with different cultural backgrounds – e.g. in some places, families go to cemeteries to visit the…

5+ Decluttering Hints

5+ Decluttering Hints

Decluttering, cleaning… Organizing is a lot of work. It’s not easy to get all those things in your home organized and tidy, but it can be done!  I was postponing all summer the start of “the big decluttering”… but as I wanted to rearrange the room of my Daughter for the 1st day of school,…

Plan Your Family Budget

Plan Your Family Budget

Family budget planning No matter if you are managing a huge household with a big budget or a smaller one with moderate income and spending, some kind of budgetary planning and organization is definitely needed. Of course, there is the “intuitive” and “laissez-faire” option, which I think all of us experience sometimes, but it can…